Thread: Problem with postgresql-docs-8.1.4-1PGDG.i686.rpm

Problem with postgresql-docs-8.1.4-1PGDG.i686.rpm

"Brian Mathis"
I am trying to upgrade my installation from 8.1.3 to 8.1.4, and when I try to upgrade the postgresql-docs package, I am getting the following error from 'rpm -Uvh':
error: postgresql-docs-8.1.4-1PGDG.i686.rpm : MD5 digest: BAD Expected(a6f3196317b296ef555f47f343a6871b) != (b9dcbf1533565efb9d629e25a4224906)

I have verified the md5sum of the package against that listed in the file MD5SUM, and it returns OK.

I am using binary packages from this directory on the ftp:

My server is a CentOS 4.3 installation with all updates applied.
Is anyone else seeing this?


Rafal Pietrak
Just wondering,

psql clinet tool loggs issued commands into ~/.psql_history, which is
VERY usefull. I exercise grep-ing the file extensively.

But when it comes to command like "ALTER/CREATE USER ... PASSWORD" I'd
rather have it NOT logged.

This is not a major issue, since there are workarounds - temporary
switching the logging off, etc. Still one have to keep thinking of that
and I have forgot occasionally, still there might be admins which don't
really care.

The implementation should be fairly simple for psql author (I guess :),
but I myself am not up to knowing if it really is. The problem looks
simple: psql-tool should filter away 'sensitive' sql-commands, before
putting them into the log? But the implementation is not so trivial,
since it should take into account not filtering: "ALTER TABLE 'user' add
column password text" and other such similarities, which should actually
be logged.




Tom Lane
Rafal Pietrak <> writes:
> psql clinet tool loggs issued commands into ~/.psql_history, which is
> VERY usefull. I exercise grep-ing the file extensively.

> But when it comes to command like "ALTER/CREATE USER ... PASSWORD" I'd
> rather have it NOT logged.

The history file is only readable by yourself, so I see no problem.
Personally I *don't* want psql editorializing on what it saves there.

            regards, tom lane


Rafal Pietrak
The point is, it hangs around: in backup 'tapes' to begin with.

And if it's the case of postmaster history, there may be lots of other
people passwords to find. (So I generaly disable postmaster
psql_history, but that's a nuicence).

But as I said, it's a sort of a nuicence, not really an issue.

Obviously, psql is not a place for any extensive command filtering. But
this touches security and I would be willing to have an exception here.

Still, that's just my 2c.



On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 10:07 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Rafal Pietrak <> writes:
> > psql clinet tool loggs issued commands into ~/.psql_history, which is
> > VERY usefull. I exercise grep-ing the file extensively.
> > But when it comes to command like "ALTER/CREATE USER ... PASSWORD" I'd
> > rather have it NOT logged.
> The history file is only readable by yourself, so I see no problem.
> Personally I *don't* want psql editorializing on what it saves there.
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster