Thread: whats the standard text search query?

whats the standard text search query?

I have this small web aplication.
When i used mysql i used to do somthing like:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name like '%searchstring%' OR description like '%searchstring%';

that doesnt really looks eficient... well... actually it works with no problem.

anyway... what's the standard query for a text search?

thanks in advance

Re: whats the standard text search query?

Michael Glaesemann
On May 30, 2006, at 12:46 , Pedro wrote:

> SELECT * FROM table WHERE name like '%searchstring%' OR description
> like '%searchstring%';
> that doesnt really looks eficient... well... actually it works with
> no problem.

Depending on your needs, that may work just fine. PostgreSQL includes
regex matching as well.

> anyway... what's the standard query for a text search?

If you're looking for full text search, take a look at tsearch2 in

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net