Thread: Anyone install 8.1 on Debian Stable?

Anyone install 8.1 on Debian Stable?

Bill Moseley
Anyone installed 8.1 on Stable?  Did you build from source or use a

I've got a managed dedicated server at Dreamhost and trying to decide
if building from source or using a backport is a better approach.

I've had problems in the past with using backports on other servers
(problems showed up when later upgrading the server).  And I'm a bit
concerned about a package conflicting with Dreamhost's management
setup.  (I had 7.4 installed and after some maintenance and a
reboot the package was uninstalled.)  And IIRC, the backports tend to
bring in a number of dependency packages.

If I build from source I need to update /etc/ to point to
/usr/local (for linking with the driver) and install my own init.d
scripts -- both of which I worry about in the managed environment.
Plus, the socket, logs, pid are all not in the standard debian

So, anyone that has been through this have any advice?  There isn't
an init.d script in the distribution, right?

Bill Moseley

Re: Anyone install 8.1 on Debian Stable?

Gavin Hamill
Bill Moseley wrote:

>Anyone installed 8.1 on Stable?  Did you build from source or use a
Very simple :)

They have 8.1.3 and it works perfectly.. even the -contrib package is
there for cube/earthdistance, and the -dev package is there if you want
to compile Slony, etc.

Follow for
/etc/apt/preferences, and then off you go...


Re: Anyone install 8.1 on Debian Stable?

Bill Moseley
On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 04:57:20PM +0100, Gavin Hamill wrote:
> Very simple :)
> They have 8.1.3 and it works perfectly.. even the -contrib package is
> there for cube/earthdistance, and the -dev package is there if you want
> to compile Slony, etc.
> Follow for
> /etc/apt/preferences, and then off you go...

Ok.  So as someone that tried to understand pinning once and gave up,
do you pin the packages or use:

    apt-get -t sarge-backports install postgresql


I guess it's in the docs, but how do you use psql with both versions?
And I assume I'll need to rebuild DBD::Pg -- and any tricks getting
it to link with the correct client library?

It's the "managed" part of the Dreamhost server that has me
worried.  ;)


Bill Moseley

Re: Anyone install 8.1 on Debian Stable?

Gavin Hamill
On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:06:12 -0700
Bill Moseley <> wrote

> Ok.  So as someone that tried to understand pinning once and gave up,
> do you pin the packages or use:
>     apt-get -t sarge-backports install postgresql
> method?

As per the instructions on the site - you use both :) .. add the stanza
to /etc/apt/preferences, add the magic line to /etc/apt/sources.list,
then run a command similar to the above (more likely you'll want

apt-get -t sarge-backports install postgresql-8.1 libpg-perl

> I guess it's in the docs, but how do you use psql with both versions?

psql for both 7.x and 8.1 will use version 3 of the libpq API, so
there's no issue like with mysql 4.0 versus 4.1's new auth system.

You can have 7.x and 8.1 installed and running at the same time, but is
there much point in keeping 7.x running thesedays?

> And I assume I'll need to rebuild DBD::Pg -- and any tricks getting

No rebuilding should be necessary for the same reasons above -
however if you do need to build something, grab
postgresql-server-dev-8.1 :)


Re: Anyone install 8.1 on Debian Stable?

Bill Moseley
On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 06:58:20PM +0100, Gavin Hamill wrote:
> As per the instructions on the site - you use both :)

(I meant which do you pin the specific package or use the -t option.)

> psql for both 7.x and 8.1 will use version 3 of the libpq API, so
> there's no issue like with mysql 4.0 versus 4.1's new auth system.

I see.  I'll build DBD::Pg from source.  The Dbdpg-general list
recommended linking DBD::Pg against libpq4 instead of libpq3.

> > And I assume I'll need to rebuild DBD::Pg -- and any tricks getting
> No rebuilding should be necessary for the same reasons above -
> however if you do need to build something, grab
> postgresql-server-dev-8.1 :)

Great.  Thanks for all the hand holding. ;)

Bill Moseley