Thread: Automating backup

Automating backup

Richard Sydney-Smith
I would like each database to encapsulate its own backup procedure.

Each database contains a table (fsyslog) which has a record of each
backup taken:
<rowid><Operator><timestamp><destination path>

At the application level I presently
a) check for time since the last backup
b) if older than <x> hrs
      (i) perform a vacuum analyze
      (ii) force a call to dbbackup
      (iii) add a new record into fsyslog

I would like to add a procedure to the database that does the backup and
thus ensure that all applications use the same methodology.

The procedure would take only the backup path as a parameter.

presently I send the command :

      pch := pchar('pg_dump -C -h '+host+' -U '+usr+' -p '+pswd+ ' -f
'+bckup_path+' '+dbase);

to postgres.

as the operator is obviously logged in how do I
(1) trap their user id
(2) Send the call to pg_dump without knowing their password?

I expect this is a well worn route and am hoping not to have to reinvent
a wheel.

thanks very much as always


Re: Automating backup

Doug McNaught
Richard Sydney-Smith <> writes:

>       pch := pchar('pg_dump -C -h '+host+' -U '+usr+' -p '+pswd+ ' -f
> '+bckup_path+' '+dbase);
> to postgres.
> as the operator is obviously logged in how do I
> (1) trap their user id
> (2) Send the call to pg_dump without knowing their password?
> I expect this is a well worn route and am hoping not to have to
> reinvent a wheel.

I don't think it's "well-worn" at all--everyone I've ever heard of
runs pg_dump from a cron script.

Why not have a shell script run by the operator that runs pg_dump and
then calls psql to insert the log record (assuming the dump succeeds)?
Putting the logic inside of the database doesn't seem to buy you
anything AFAICS.


Re: Automating backup

Richard Sydney-Smith
Hi Doug.

Many users are haphazard in their approach until
the machine fails and then they expect to be pulled from the poo.

Done it too many times. I now will get the application to enforce an
additional integrity check. It must be backed up or else! Seems futile
to put all the effort into a database design that checks and ensures
everything except that a backup copy exists!

Essentially I need access to a database record that gives the
timestamp for the last backup.
Of course pgdump/vacuum could maintain such timestamps themselves. Is
that possible? If not then a proc in the database that calls
pgdump/vacuum and records the event is needed to give me peace of mind.



Doug McNaught wrote:

  Richard Sydney-Smith <> writes:

          pch := pchar('pg_dump -C -h '+host+' -U '+usr+' -p '+pswd+ ' -f
'+bckup_path+' '+dbase);

to postgres.

as the operator is obviously logged in how do I
(1) trap their user id
(2) Send the call to pg_dump without knowing their password?

I expect this is a well worn route and am hoping not to have to
reinvent a wheel.

I don't think it's "well-worn" at all--everyone I've ever heard of
runs pg_dump from a cron script.

Why not have a shell script run by the operator that runs pg_dump and
then calls psql to insert the log record (assuming the dump succeeds)?
Putting the logic inside of the database doesn't seem to buy you
anything AFAICS.


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Re: Automating backup

Richard Sydney-Smith
Thanks Doug. Think hacking the source may be the way to go. I will ask
the Postgres bosses if this the idea is acceptable.

We are only going to store two data items somewhere. One key-timestamp
for each of autovacuum and pgdump

Doug McNaught wrote:

>Richard Sydney-Smith <> writes:
>>   Hi Doug.
>>   When the application runs I want it to KNOW that the user is regularly
>>   backing up the data. Many users are haphazard in their approach until
>>   the machine fails and then they expect to be pulled from the poo.
>>   Done it too many times. I now will get the application to enforce an
>>   additional integrity check. It must be backed up or else! Seems futile
>>   to pull all the effort into a database design that checks and ensures
>>   everything except that a backup copy exists!
>Very good points.
>>   Running in a cron job is great if the sysadmin is doing their job but
>>   how can I tell? I want access to a database record that gives me the
>>   timestamp for the last backup.
>You could certainly include a standard script that performs your
>backup and then inserts into your log table, and have the application
>installer create a cronjob that calls that script.  The operator could
>also run it by hand if necessary.
>>   Does postgres perhaps already have a timestamp for the last time
>>   vacuum was run and the last time a backup was taken. Could
>>   pgdump/vacuum maintain such a record?
>Well, anything's possible if you're willing to hack the source code. :)
>If you're running autovacuum, you can tell it to log what it does to a
>separate logfile, so there'll be log entries when it vacuums tables.
>Autovacuum is probably the best way to go for applications like yours
>anyway (especially with 8.1, where it's built-in and started
>As for pg_dump, I'm not aware that it logs anything.  If you turned on
>full query logging on the server, you'd see the queries that pg_dump
>executes, but that would give you pretty big logfiles...

Re: Automating backup

Neil Dugan
Richard Sydney-Smith wrote:
> Hi Doug.
> Many users are haphazard in their approach until the machine fails and
> then they expect to be pulled from the poo.
> Done it too many times. I now will get the application to enforce an
> additional integrity check. It must be backed up or else! Seems futile
> to put all the effort into a database design that checks and ensures
> everything except that a backup copy exists!
> Essentially I need access to a database record that gives the timestamp
> for the last backup.
> Of course pgdump/vacuum could maintain such timestamps themselves. Is
> that possible? If not then a proc in the database that calls
> pgdump/vacuum and records the event is needed to give me peace of mind.
> regards
> Richard

I have just implemented a backup scheme on my Linux box.

su postgres /var/lib/pgsql/maintain

vacuumdb --all --full
pg_dumpall --clean | gzip > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/pg_`date --iso`.gz
# remove any backups older than 30 days (this is a little dangerous)
tmpwatch 720 /var/lib/pgsql/backups

I created a directory
#> mkdir /var/lib/pgsql/backups

I suppose you could get the /var/lib/pgsql/maintain script to generate a
sql statement in a temporary file (e.g. /tmp/setbackupdate.sql) then use
psql to then update a record in your database with a command like (psql
-c /tmp/setbackupdate.sql)

Regards Neil.

> Doug McNaught wrote:
>>Richard Sydney-Smith <> writes:
>>>      pch := pchar('pg_dump -C -h '+host+' -U '+usr+' -p '+pswd+ ' -f
>>>'+bckup_path+' '+dbase);
>>>to postgres.
>>>as the operator is obviously logged in how do I
>>>(1) trap their user id
>>>(2) Send the call to pg_dump without knowing their password?
>>>I expect this is a well worn route and am hoping not to have to
>>>reinvent a wheel.
>>I don't think it's "well-worn" at all--everyone I've ever heard of
>>runs pg_dump from a cron script.
>>Why not have a shell script run by the operator that runs pg_dump and
>>then calls psql to insert the log record (assuming the dump succeeds)?
>>Putting the logic inside of the database doesn't seem to buy you
>>anything AFAICS.
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