Pamela wrote:
>Sure so long as they decide to go with this solution. It would be greatly
>appreciated. Have you looked at Ruby which is quite helpful when dealing
>with PHP Perl CGI and C/C++. I haven't a lot of programming experience, my
>degree is in BA Adv Mgmt and Financial Acctg and Diploma in IT. I rapidly
>moved into management and dabble in HTML/Dreamweaver/Javascript but would
>like to learn postgres php and ruby also. I understand the PL/SQL is
>similar to that of Oracle's. I took courses in it, but as we all know in
>real life it is totally different.
>Thanks Igor I will keep you on file for this
>-----Original Message-----
>From: go KEY952866 []
>Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:03 PM
>To: Pamela
>Subject: Re: FW: Re[2]: [GENERAL] new beginner to postgresql. Looking at it
>for a church
>Pamela, i would like to participate in your project
>(as volunteer). It is interesting for me because i can
>get more experience in development. I have
>some working projects in medicine and trading.
>PHP - Postgres, C++ -postgres, C++ BUILDER - postgres.
>Thanks for replay.
>P> I would prefer using linux. I have worked in a limited capacity with
>P> linux and windows. The front end I was looking at Ruby/PHP.
>P> Thanks Igor
>P> SQ- provided by Dann Corbit has a lot of what I would be
>P> for plus more. The financials would require a budgeted amount plus
>P> budgeted minus actual, plus many computations and configurations so that
>P> they could at consolidated statements for the churches and separate
>P> financials. This would have to datamodeled properly and allow for there
>P> particulars.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
> choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
> match
If you go with ruby you can eliminate the php if you want. There are a
couple of frameworks that should provide what you need ( rails,
nitro/og, etc).