Thread: Set Returning Function (Pipelining)

Set Returning Function (Pipelining)

Hi everyone,

I have a question on set returning functions. In one of the TechDocs on
the postgres website it says:
"Currently SRF returning PL/pgSQL functions must generate the entire
set before the result is returned"

It also says that this might be changed in future releases (later than
My question is now wether the result is returned linewise in an newer
version and if yes, wether a program using the
S(erver)P(rogramming)I(interface) can utilize this functionality in
order get a better distribution of the workload?

Thx for your help,


Re: Set Returning Function (Pipelining)

Joe Conway
tschak wrote:
> I have a question on set returning functions. In one of the TechDocs on
> the postgres website it says:
> "Currently SRF returning PL/pgSQL functions must generate the entire
> set before the result is returned"
> It also says that this might be changed in future releases (later than
> 7.3).
> My question is now wether the result is returned linewise in an newer
> version

I'm afraid not. But are you sure you need pipelining?


Re: Set Returning Function (Pipelining)

I am not really sure wether I MUST use it or not, but I think it is a
nice feature to be utilized.

What I want is a long running producing up to hundred of thousands
results which have to undergo a computationally expensive
postprocessing step which needs to be execeuted in parallel. By using
pipelining I would not need to worry about partitioning the query and
thus distributing the workload.

At least as far as I understand the pipelining feature...
