Thread: What Front-End you suggest ?

What Front-End you suggest ?

"Gerson - Yahoo"

Dear friends,


I need to development one system in native Linux, Language and DataBase, today I use PostgreSQL with Delphi 2005 in Windows 2005 Servers, and I need to know what language will use to do this ?

That you suggest ?

This Langage work good in what Linux SO ?

This language have developmente ambient IDE (like Delphi 2005) ?

Where may download this compiler to test ?


Tks for help.




Re: What Front-End you suggest ?

Hannes Dorbath
I'd go for a scripting language and a cross-platform GUI-toolkit like
GTK, QT or XUL. If you dislike scripting languages for some reason,
write it in plain C and use one of the GUI-toolkits above.

Besides this there is Kylix, but if you are using Delphi anyway, you
should know about it.

The last approach would be a web-based solution (might be XUL as well).

On 07.10.2005 14:03, Gerson - Yahoo wrote:
> I need to development one system in native Linux, Language and DataBase,
> today I use PostgreSQL with Delphi 2005 in Windows 2005 Servers, and I need
> to know what language will use to do this ?
> That you suggest ?
> This Langage work good in what Linux SO ?
> This language have developmente ambient IDE (like Delphi 2005) ?
> Where may download this compiler to test ?

Hannes Dorbath

Re: What Front-End you suggest ?

Tony Caduto
Gerson - Yahoo wrote:

> _Dear friends,_
> _ _
> _I need to development one system in native Linux, Language and
> DataBase, today I use PostgreSQL with Delphi 2005 in Windows 2005
> Servers, and I need to know what language will use to do this ?_
> _That you suggest ?_
> _This Langage work good in what Linux SO ?_
> _This language have developmente ambient IDE (like Delphi 2005) ?_
> _Where may download this compiler to test ?_
> _ _
> _Tks for help._
> _ _
> _Gerson_
> _ _
You could try Lazarus with the Zeos components, very delphi like and
works on Linux,win32, and Mac OS X.

Tony Caduto
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql 8.x

Re: What Front-End you suggest ?

Dan Armbrust
Gerson - Yahoo wrote:
<blockquote cite=""


st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }

 /* Style Definitions */
 p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
    font-family:"Times New Roman";}
a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
@page Section1
    {size:595.3pt 841.9pt;
    margin:70.85pt 3.0cm 70.85pt 3.0cm;}

 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;">Dear friends,
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;"><span
 style="text-decoration: none;"> 
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">I need to
development one system in
native Linux, Language and DataBase, today I use PostgreSQL with Delphi
  2005 in
Windows 2005
Servers, and I need to know what language will use to do this ?
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">That you
suggest ?
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">This Langage
work good in what Linux
SO ?
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">This
language have developmente
ambient IDE (like Delphi 2005) ?
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">Where may
download this compiler to
test ?
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US"><span
 style="text-decoration: none;"> 
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">Tks for help.
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US"><span
 style="text-decoration: none;"> 
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US">Gerson
 style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" lang="EN-US"><span
 style="text-decoration: none;"> 

Java...   And Eclipse for your IDE.
And using SWT rather than Swing for your GUI.


Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic Rochester

Re: What Front-End you suggest ?

"Michael Schmidt"
Mr. Armbrust,
Hopefully, this isn't off topic.  Just wondering why SWT instead of swing?
Michael Schmidt

[Off Topic] Swing vs SWT

Dan Armbrust
Michael Schmidt wrote: <blockquote cite="midBAY101-DAV13F5B87CA73553F1B32BD4A3840@phx.gbl"
type="cite"><style></style><div>Mr.Armbrust,</div><div>Hopefully, this isn't off topic.  Just wondering why SWT instead
ofswing?</div><div> </div><div>Michael Schmidt</div></blockquote><tt>I'm pretty sure this is completely off topic, but
I'llindulge it - <br /><br /> I've done development using Swing and SWT - and I find SWT's APIs to be much cleaner,
intuitive,and easy to use.  Manual GUI development is much quicker with SWT  and results in much less code that is far
morereadable.  Also, SWT layout managers are _much_ easier to use than the crud that comes with Swing from Sun.<br
/><br/> Side note - if you do have to do Swing development, I highly recommend using the JGoodies forms package - it is
alayout manager for Swing </tt>that is far and away better than trying to do things with Swing layout managers -  <a
href=""></a><br/> As
anexample, I rewrote some forms that were 800 lines of code using GridBagLayout into about 150 lines of code using
JGoodies. And the JGoodies code is far more readable.<br /><br /> Back to SWT - Swing still just looks like crud when
comparedside-by-side with native Windows applications.  Especially in windows XP - Sun still doesn't have the Windows
XPLook and Feel implemented properly.  And if a user applies a custom XP skin, then it really looks strange.  The file
choosersdon't look or work like native Windows XP file choosers.   And when windows "super duper 5.0" comes out next
year,I'm sure it will only take sun another 3 years or so to write the new look and Feel.  Meanwhile, your apps just
lookweird.  SWT Apps _always_ look exactly like the OS look and feel - because it uses the native OS widgets.    You
canalso embed Swing parts into a SWT application if you need to.<br /><br /> When I write a SWT application, most of my
usersdon't even know it is a java application.  It just looks like a normal "windows" application.  You can also launch
SWTapps using Java WebStart, or, if you don't want to use webstart, you combine your app, SWT, and <a
class="moz-txt-link-freetext"href=""></a> and suddenly
youhave a native windows executable for your users.  All of javas ugly bits are safely hidden away from your end
user.<br/><br /> If you want to compare a Swing application (written using JGoodies looks and JGoodies look and feel -
whichdoes a better job than Suns look and feel at looking like Windows XP) side by side with a similar SWT application
-take a look at these two apps:<br /><br /> (scroll down to the webstart links)<br /> (ps - these apps aren't supposed
tobe masterpieces of user interface design - they are just utilities for techie types using LexGrid)<br /><a
/><br/> Especially pay attention to the speed and appearance of the file choosers (click the "Browse..". button) - to
enablethe second file chooser in the Indexer Creator app - go to the "Options" menu and choose "Build Normalized
Index"<br/><br /> Another awesome gui that is written in SWT (and most end users don't even know its written in
Java)<br/><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href=""></a><br/><br /> And a couple more - to finish
witha little bit of relevance to PostgreSQL<br /> A database designer plugin for Eclipse  (which is all written in
SWT) - supports PostgreSQL:<br /><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href=""></a><br/><br />
Anotherdatabase plugin for Eclipse that lets you work with a PostgreSQL database.<br /><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href=""></a><br/><br />
Dan<br/><pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">
Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic Rochester
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a>

Re: What Front-End you suggest ?

Matthew Story
if you write a (warning incoming buzz-word) web-based front-end, it
wouldn't have to be operating system specific, so why not use PGP for
a middle layer and use XML (define an XML schema first) to pass
information to a DHTML (javascript, XHTML, CSS) front-end.  I have
implemented this design with alot of sucess several times.

On 10/7/05, Michael Schmidt <> wrote:
> Mr. Armbrust,
> Hopefully, this isn't off topic.  Just wondering why SWT instead of swing?
> Michael Schmidt