Thread: Does copy abort on a failed insertion?

Does copy abort on a failed insertion?

"Reid Thompson"
If i have a pg_dump that is using COPY, and midway through the copy an
insert fails due to a unique constraint, will the COPY continue with the
rest of the records, or will it abort?  If it aborts, will it perform a
rollback on the inserts up to that point?


Re: Does copy abort on a failed insertion?

Scott Marlowe
On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 14:28, Reid Thompson wrote:
> If i have a pg_dump that is using COPY, and midway through the copy an
> insert fails due to a unique constraint, will the COPY continue with the
> rest of the records, or will it abort?  If it aborts, will it perform a
> rollback on the inserts up to that point?

Copies are all or nothing.  Either the whole set gets inserted or none
of it.