Thread: list manipulation at column level

list manipulation at column level

Matthew Peter
Is it possible to append and delete (unknown location)
items in a list stored in a column? For instance,

a column with 'some,values,in,a,list,12,34';

Could I [ap|pre]pend and or delete items in this list
through pgsql?

Yahoo! for Good
Watch the Hurricane Katrina Shelter From The Storm concert

Re: list manipulation at column level

Chris Travers
Matthew Peter wrote:

>Is it possible to append and delete (unknown location)
>items in a list stored in a column? For instance,
>a column with 'some,values,in,a,list,12,34';
>Could I [ap|pre]pend and or delete items in this list
>through pgsql?
'value' || ',' || column
column || ',' ||'value'

Delete would require some regular expressions-- check the manual on these.

Or you could write a Perl function.

However, this strikes me as quite denormalized....

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting

Re: list manipulation at column level

Michael Fuhr
On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 04:02:24PM -0700, Chris Travers wrote:
> Matthew Peter wrote:
> >Is it possible to append and delete (unknown location)
> >items in a list stored in a column? For instance,
> >
> >a column with 'some,values,in,a,list,12,34';
> >
> >Could I [ap|pre]pend and or delete items in this list
> >through pgsql?
> >
> prepend:
> 'value' || ',' || column
> append
> column || ',' ||'value'

Or use an array type and perform array operations.

CREATE TABLE foo (a text[]);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('{some,values,in,a,list,12,34}');

SELECT array_prepend('foo', a) FROM foo;
(1 row)

SELECT array_append(a, 'foo') FROM foo;
(1 row)

SELECT array_cat(a[1:2], a[6:7]) FROM foo;
(1 row)

Michael Fuhr

Re: list manipulation at column level

Matthew Peter
I was reading the concatenation operator earlier.
Postgresql is very neat.

What about deleting an item in the array without
knowing it's position? For example, deleting the item
"12" in the array? Is that possible? Like using

UPDATE array_delete_at(array_find(a,'12'));

where "a" is the column and "12" is the value to find
or would a select be in order to find the position?

from the docs
SELECT * FROM sal_emp WHERE 10000 = ALL

    Tip: Arrays are not sets; searching for specific
array elements may be a sign of database misdesign.
Consider using a separate table with a row for each
item that would be an array element. This will be
easier to search, and is likely to scale up better to
large numbers of elements.

Lastly, what's considered a large number of elements?

--- Michael Fuhr <> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 04:02:24PM -0700, Chris
> Travers wrote:
> > Matthew Peter wrote:
> > >Is it possible to append and delete (unknown
> location)
> > >items in a list stored in a column? For instance,
> > >
> > >a column with 'some,values,in,a,list,12,34';
> > >
> > >Could I [ap|pre]pend and or delete items in this
> list
> > >through pgsql?
> > >
> > prepend:
> > 'value' || ',' || column
> > append
> > column || ',' ||'value'
> Or use an array type and perform array operations.
> CREATE TABLE foo (a text[]);
> ('{some,values,in,a,list,12,34}');
> SELECT array_prepend('foo', a) FROM foo;
>               array_prepend
> -----------------------------------------
>  [0:7]={foo,some,values,in,a,list,12,34}
> (1 row)
> SELECT array_append(a, 'foo') FROM foo;
>            array_append
> -----------------------------------
>  {some,values,in,a,list,12,34,foo}
> (1 row)
> SELECT array_cat(a[1:2], a[6:7]) FROM foo;
>       array_cat
> ---------------------
>  {some,values,12,34}
> (1 row)
> --
> Michael Fuhr

Yahoo! for Good
Watch the Hurricane Katrina Shelter From The Storm concert