Thread: Re: How to recover from : "Cache lookup failed for rela

Re: How to recover from : "Cache lookup failed for rela

Thanks for the help.
Do you have any idea on the reason of this situation ?
Is there any information I can provide if the problem happens again to help
find the problem : any log level to raise ?


Patrick Fiche
email :
tél : 01 69 29 36 18

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tom Lane
Sent: lundi 23 mai 2005 16:50
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to recover from : "Cache lookup failed for
rela tion "

Patrick.FICHE@AQSACOM.COM writes:
>  classid | objid  | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid |

> -
>     1247 | 463559 |        0 |       1259 |   463558 |           0 | i
>     1259 | 463558 |        0 |      16672 |   440012 |           0 | n
> (2 rows)

Well, what I'd recommend is to manually delete those two rows in
pg_depend and then delete the row in pg_type.  This may not clean things
up 100% but it should be close enough.

            regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: How to recover from : "Cache lookup failed for rela tion "

Tom Lane
Patrick.FICHE@AQSACOM.COM writes:
> Do you have any idea on the reason of this situation ?

No, I was hoping we might see some clues but there wasn't much.  Both
the pg_depend entries and the pg_type row should have been deleted by
the same transaction that deleted the pg_class row.  Partially applied
transactions aren't supposed to happen of course :-(

Oh, btw: is there a physical file for 463558?  As long as you didn't
TRUNCATE the temp table, its name should still be 463558.  If it is
there, you might want to note the file mod time before you remove it ---
that would give us a good fix on when this happened.

Did you have any system crashes or other odd behavior around the time
of the error?

            regards, tom lane