Thread: Executing Dynamic DDL

Executing Dynamic DDL

Samer Abukhait
i am trying to execute an 'alter table' statement dynamically.. it
seems that "execute" only works with DML..

is there any way to execute DDL statements??

here is what i am trying to do:

create or replace function em.process_table (
    p_table              varchar)
returns void as $$
    v_check      bool;
    -- Add Creation TimeStamp column if it is not there.
    select count (*)
    into   v_check
    from   em.all_table_columns
    where  tablename = p_table
    and    columnname = 'creation_timestamp';

    if v_check then
        execute 'alter table em.' || p_table || ' add creation_timestamp
timestamp not null';
    end if;

end;$$ language plpgsql;

Re: Executing Dynamic DDL

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 09:07:55AM +0200, Samer Abukhait wrote:
> i am trying to execute an 'alter table' statement dynamically.. it
> seems that "execute" only works with DML..

A simple example shows that EXECUTE does indeed work with DDL:

CREATE TABLE foo (col1 integer);

CREATE FUNCTION execute_ddl() RETURNS void AS $$
    EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE foo ADD col2 timestamp NOT NULL';

\d foo
      Table ""
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 col1   | integer |

SELECT execute_ddl();

\d foo
                Table ""
 Column |            Type             | Modifiers
 col1   | integer                     |
 col2   | timestamp without time zone | not null

The problem appears to be in the function's logic:

> create or replace function em.process_table (
>     p_table              varchar)
> returns void as $$
> declare
>     v_check      bool;
> begin
>     -- Add Creation TimeStamp column if it is not there.
>     select count (*)
>     into   v_check
>     from   em.all_table_columns
>     where  tablename = p_table
>     and    columnname = 'creation_timestamp';

Count returns a bigint but you assign its value to a boolean.  This
should work if the return value is 0 (false) or 1 (true), which
presumably are the only possible counts in this case, but I probably
wouldn't coerce the value that way.  I'd either use EXISTS or assign
count's value to a bigint.

>     if v_check then
>         execute 'alter table em.' || p_table || ' add creation_timestamp
> timestamp not null';
>     end if;

You're saying that if the column exists (i.e., if v_check is true,
meaning that count returned 1), then add the column; you should be
checking if the column *doesn't* exist (i.e., if v_check is false,
meaning that count returned 0).  Also, it's a good idea to use
quote_ident() when building dynamic queries from data that comes
from outside the function.  And you might want to consider using
timestamp with time zone instead of timestamp.

>     return;
> end;$$ language plpgsql;

A function that has side effects should be declared VOLATILE.  And
if the function requires a non-NULL parameter then it should be
STRICT as well.

BTW, the all_table_columns table appears to duplicate information
already contained in the system catalogs.  Is this a contrived
example or are you really doing that?  Do you have a reason for
doing so?

Michael Fuhr

Re: Executing Dynamic DDL

Samer Abukhait
That was very helpful, many thanks

About timestamp, I understood that as long as the DB server is the one
to log times it is safe to use it without timezones?? (I am not using
any of the different timezoned clients??) am i missing the point?

about all_table_columns, it is just a simple view to have the table
name and column name in the same view, (wasn't satisfied in
pg_attribute only :), am i duplicating anything?