Thread: Postgre 8.0 for Linux i586

Postgre 8.0 for Linux i586

"Lipy Reis"
Hello everyone,
 Anyone can help me find out RPM packs for Postgre 8.0 , i need it for Linux "i586"
I just find RPMs for version i686 :(
Anybody more luck than me?
thanks in advance
Lipy Reis
Analista de Suporte
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quando é hora de bebê , nóis bebe...
quando é hora de amá, nóis ama...
quando é hora de trabaiá...
aí nóis tudo manda "i-meius"!...

Re: Postgre 8.0 for Linux i586

Scott Marlowe
On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 23:21, Lipy Reis wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>  Anyone can help me find out RPM packs for Postgre 8.0 , i need it for
> Linux "i586"
> I just find RPMs for version i686 :(
> Anybody more luck than me?

Can you find them for i386?  That's usually the other class most often
supported.  The difference in optimizations for i386 and i586 are
probably not gonna be that big (if any) of a difference)