Thread: pgEdit 1.1 beta

pgEdit 1.1 beta

John DeSoi
The first beta of pgEdit 1.1 is now available. New features and
enhancements include:

- Error information is collected with each execution. New commands to
jump to
   each error location in the file even if lines are added or removed.

- Improved integration with psql; most psql commands are now supported
   \connect and \copy.

- PHP integration. PHP can act as a preprocessor for SQL code or
perform other
   scripting tasks. Mixed syntax coloring of PHP and SQL in the same file
   is supported including syntax coloring for pl/PHP stored procedures.
PHP 5 is
   included with the distribution, so no extra configuration is required
to use
   this feature. See a PHP example at

- Faster and better syntax coloring. stdin data for COPY is ignored for
   coloring (unless followed a PHP tag).

- New options for execution and output. Output can be sent to a file
and then
   opened automatically with pgEdit, your web browser, or other

- Improved user interface with the editor and output panes available in
the same

pgEdit 1.1 beta is free of all demonstration limitations through the
end of May.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL