Thread: Can't install pltcl on Windows 8.0

Can't install pltcl on Windows 8.0

"Steve - DND"
Originally posted in win32-hackers, but could not get a solution. Maybe
someone here has an idea?

I am currently trying to install pltcl on my Win32 8.0 version of PG, and am
receiving the incredibly generic message:
createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library
gram Files/PostgreSQL/8.0/lib/pltcl.dll": dynamic load error
The postgres user has read permissions on the tcl bin directory. I also ran
depends.exe on the pltcl dll as the postgres user, and everything appeared
to checkout. Where do
I go from here in trying to determine what is wrong?

I have successfully installed plpython, so I don't think it's necessarily
something with postgres.
