Thread: cygwin and psql

cygwin and psql

I'm installing psql to my laptop where cygwin is installed.
I got the warning for removing the cygwin\bin from the path
and re-start the installer.
It's not hard to remove cygwin from the path. Does qsql
need to remove cygwin permanently?

Re: cygwin and psql

"Magnus Hagander"
It needs to be removed fromt he path of the server process if you want to use PL/Perl, PL/Tcl or PL/Python. If not, you should be ok having it ni there, just not during the installation. It should have no effect in the clients environment.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: [] För YL
Skickat: den 5 april 2005 00:50
Till: PostgreSQL General
Ämne: [GENERAL] cygwin and psql

I'm installing psql to my laptop where cygwin is installed.
I got the warning for removing the cygwin\bin from the path
and re-start the installer.
It's not hard to remove cygwin from the path. Does qsql
need to remove cygwin permanently?