Thread: pl/perl problem of memory

pl/perl problem of memory



I load data in a varible of type text, and i arrive to out of memory message.

I want to know if it exists a function which allows to empty a variable and the place uses in memory without destroy it (because I use the variable again).

In fact, now i put the variable to '' ( $myvar = '' ) but it seems that Perl don't empty totally memory.

Best regards,

    Nicolas Giroire

Re: pl/perl problem of memory

Tom Lane
"GIROIRE Nicolas (COFRAMI)" <> writes:
> In fact, now i put the variable to '' ( $myvar = '' ) but it seems that Perl
> don't empty totally memory.

See the nearby thread "plperl doesn't release memory".  There's some
evidence that this may be due to a Perl configuration issue.

            regards, tom lane