Thread: dataKiosk 0.6 released

dataKiosk 0.6 released

Adam Treat

I have released dataKiosk version 0.6.

DataKiosk is a JuK-like database interface tool for generic SQL databases.
What does that mean? Essentially, DataKiosk provides a series of wizards
(anyone familiar with Qt Designer's database wizards will find them familiar)
that allow you to build a custom Juk-like interface for any SQL database with
a QtSQL driver.

New features in this version include the ability to edit the database through
a new configurable edit form with custom widgets depending upon the the
fields data type.  MS Access style combo boxes have been implemented for
Relation combo editors.

Here is a more complete change list:

* Fixed saved searches so that they load after all datatables have been
* Clear advanced searches properly and disable the searchwidget for reports.
* DataTable will have two tabs, one for viewing and one for editing.
* Subclassed QDataBrowser to provide an edit record form.  The edit form uses
a custom editorfactory to provide the right widgets for data relations.  The
main datatable does this too.  You can now edit records, although the layout
and look of the form is not very good at the moment.
* DataKiosk now has flow form layout management for the editor form thanks
to dfaure and Qt4!  FormLayout is based on this new example by TT:
* Fix an annoying problem with sorting the DataFields.
* Add more advanced kcombobox for relation editor widgets and get ready for
more advanced editor widgets in general.
* Make the formlayout draw every widget with the same width/height.  The width
is calculated after every selectionChange in the QDataTable.  The editor with
the largest content wins.
* The editors in FormLayout are now drawn correctly and the scroll feature of
QDataBrowser works.  A green/red border is drawn around the form based on
what the user is doing.  Update works.
* Change focus policy to try and get a handle on how the data entry can be
made as fast and efficient as possible allowing to navigate with keyboard
* Editors remember state so when they change the colorbox changes.  If the
editors are changed back to match the current database buffer, the colorbox
goes green reflecting that nothing has changed requiring updating.
* Add shortcuts for tab between the datatables.
* Ok, so I've settled on the following for keyboard shortcuts
    Alt+Up              Scrolls the listbox containing the tables... UP
                skipping all the reports. :):)
    Alt+Down        Same as above, just DOWN.
    Alt+Left            Toggles between the edit view and table view plus
                it keeps all of the datatables in sync.  They are all
    Alt+Right           Same as above, just RIGHT.
    Home                Seeks to the first record.
    End                 Seeks to the last record.
    PageUp              Seeks to the previous record.
    PageDown       Seeks to the next record.
    CTRL+s              Commits the changes to the database.

Everything appears to be working and these are all universal shortcuts for the
app, except the Home/End shortcuts don't work when a an editor widget in the
edit view has focus.
* Enforce readonly and do not allow autoediting.
* Make sure that the editForm syncs with the configure table wizard.  Various
* Imported and modified libkdepim's kdateedit and ktimeedit into datakiosk.
They are some ugly parts, but they do the job and I didn't feel like
rewriting these widgets.  Created a DateTimeEdit part out of them and made
some fixes so they now handle the Date, Time and DateTime variant editors.
* Added support for nested foreign keys in the Relation Combo editor. This
just about completes the work on the Relation editor.
* Add a configurable RelationCombo that can do MS Access style Combobox's with
a QTable dropdown widget.

DataKiosk also has a new and updated homepage available at:

...complete with screenshots of the new features.

Flash demos of dataKiosk in action can be found here:

and here:


Adam Treat