Thread: How to get back the current count of a auto incrementing number.

How to get back the current count of a auto incrementing number.

sid tow

     How to get the current value of a auto
incrementing number generated using CREATE SEQUENCE
seqname START 1

Is there any way and if yes what is it. Can we run a
select query and may be a inbuilt function which will
return the current value of that number?


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Re: How to get back the current count of a auto

Csaba Nagy

Postgres has an excellent documentation. You can find about what you
asked here:
It always pays off to read the docs first.


On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 12:36, sid tow wrote:
> hi
>      How to get the current value of a auto
> incrementing number generated using CREATE SEQUENCE
> seqname START 1
> Is there any way and if yes what is it. Can we run a
> select query and may be a inbuilt function which will
> return the current value of that number?
> Regards.
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Re: How to get back the current count of a auto incrementing number.

Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 28 Jan 2005 5:06 pm, sid tow wrote:
> hi
>      How to get the current value of a auto
> incrementing number generated using CREATE SEQUENCE
> seqname START 1
> Is there any way and if yes what is it. Can we run a
> select query and may be a inbuilt function which will
> return the current value of that number?



Re: How to get back the current count of a auto incrementing number.

Sean Davis
On Jan 28, 2005, at 6:36 AM, sid tow wrote:

> hi
>      How to get the current value of a auto
> incrementing number generated using CREATE SEQUENCE
> seqname START 1
> Is there any way and if yes what is it. Can we run a
> select query and may be a inbuilt function which will
> return the current value of that number?

Look at:


    This question pops about once a day...
    can't the list server grep for "auto increment" and send a link to the
docs itself ;)

> hi
>      How to get the current value of a auto
> incrementing number generated using CREATE SEQUENCE
> seqname START 1
> Is there any way and if yes what is it. Can we run a
> select query and may be a inbuilt function which will
> return the current value of that number?
> Regards.