Thread: win32 installer problem

win32 installer problem

Probably not even worth a bug report, but an entry in the install FAQ..
or a fix in the installer.. whatever.  should be pretty uncommon.

rc2 would not install (had not attempted to use any prior rc/beta

last 2 lines of initdb.log showed:
command ""C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.0.0-rc2/bin/postgres.exe" -boot
-x1 -F  template1": Invalid argument

initdb: removing contents of data directory "C:/Program

pure lucky guessing solved the issue, but RC2 will not install if your
environment has a non-default ComSpec (say if you're using cygwin or
4nt or console or modified it just for kicks.)  deleting the env var,
installing, and then setting it back seems to work fine.
or perhaps the install can locally or temporarily set it to
%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe and everything should work fine.