Thread: Re: The Big 9?

Re: The Big 9?

Woodchuck Bill
Mike Cox <> wrote in

> Wouldn't a good solution to the "bogus" and rogue groups be a creation
> of a new domain in the big 8?  Suppose there was a rogue.* domain.
> All the groups that were rogue would be placed there by the usenet
> providers. Therefore those customers who demanded certain rogue groups
> would have them, only they would be moved under rogue.  Say someone
> sets up a rogue group like comp.muffins.  All the usenet providers
> would then just move it to rogue.comp.muffins.
> That way their status is clear to all subscribers, the commercial
> usnet providers would have a well managed big 9, and would not be
> forced to choose between having a well managed hierarchy or doing
> carrying the groups customers demand.

You frighten me. ;-)
