Thread: SQL Agreate Functions

SQL Agreate Functions

Alex P

I have a problem I dont really know how to solve except for writing a

I have a table with prices;

SecCode| Price   | PriceDate
A0001  | 13.10   | 2004-10-30
A0001  | 13.03   | 2004-10-29
A0001  | 13.12   | 2004-10-28
A0001  | 12.45   | 2004-10-27
A0001  | 12.65   | 2004-10-26
A0001  | 12.45   | 2004-10-25

A0002  | 10.10   | 2004-10-30
A0002  | 10.45   | 2004-10-27
A0002  | 10.65   | 2004-10-26
A0002  | 10.45   | 2004-10-25

What I would like to calculate is:

a) the difference of the past 2 days for every security of
   available prices

b) a flag indicating, that the price of today-1 is yesterday's
   price (true in case A0001, false for A0002)

c) the variance of the past 30 days

Is it possible to do that within one query?

Thanks for any advise

Re: SQL Agreate Functions

Richard Huxton
Alex P wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem I dont really know how to solve except for writing a
> function.
> What I would like to calculate is:
> a) the difference of the past 2 days for every security of
>   available prices

Find the maximum date for a give SecCode (simple enough) and then the
maximum date that is smaller than the one you just found (assuming no
repetition of dates for a given SecCode).

> b) a flag indicating, that the price of today-1 is yesterday's
>   price (true in case A0001, false for A0002)

SELECT ... (PriceDate = (CURRENT_DATE - 1)) AS is_yesterday, ...

> c) the variance of the past 30 days

Variance aggregate function

> Is it possible to do that within one query?

Three sub-queries and some joining, certainly. It'll be a big query
mind, perhaps worth wrapping in a function.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd