Thread: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

Miles Keaton
Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?

When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename

But how to get the fieldnames from PHP commands?

Re: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

Steven Klassen
* Miles Keaton <> [2004-10-25 19:36:43 -0700]:

> Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?
> When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename
> But how to get the fieldnames from PHP commands?

If your namespace is 'public' and your table is 'users', for example:

SELECT attname
FROM pg_namespace, pg_attribute, pg_type, pg_class
WHERE pg_type.oid = atttypid
AND pg_class.oid = attrelid
AND pg_namespace.nspname = 'public'
AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
AND relname = 'users'
AND attnum >= 1;

Steven Klassen - Lead Programmer
Command Prompt, Inc. -
PostgreSQL Replication & Support Services, (503) 667-4564

Re: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

Michael Fuhr
On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 07:36:43PM -0700, Miles Keaton wrote:
> Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?
> When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename

If you run "psql -E" or type "\set ECHO_HIDDEN" after you're
in psql then you'll see the hidden queries that psql sends for
"\d tablename", etc.  Examine those queries and use the relevant
parts in your own code.

You might want to familiarize yourself with the system catalogs,
which is what you'll be querying:

Michael Fuhr

Re: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

Justin Wyer
Miles Keaton wrote:

>Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?
>When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename
>But how to get the fieldnames from PHP commands?
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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If you have a look at the PHP manual there is a function to do this for
you - pg_meta_data - check out the manual...

Re: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

"Scott Marlowe"
On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 20:36, Miles Keaton wrote:
> Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?
> When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename
> But how to get the fieldnames from PHP commands?

In addition to the other ideas given here, you also have the SQL spec
standard information_schema to examine

Re: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

"Joshua D. Drake"
Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 20:36, Miles Keaton wrote: 
Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?

When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename

But how to get the fieldnames from PHP commands?   

This PHP function will give you what you need:


Joshua D. Drake

In addition to the other ideas given here, you also have the SQL spec
standard information_schema to examine

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Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
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Re: list fieldnames in table? (from PHP)

Miles Keaton wrote:

> Is there a simple way to list fieldnames in a table, from PHP?
> When on the command-line, I just do \d tablename
> But how to get the fieldnames from PHP commands?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Here is one way Python can do it through ODBC:
# fetch descriptions to create field name dictionaries
        ci = db.cursor()
        ci.execute("select * from PERSINFO where 1 = 0")
        column = 0
        for d in ci.description:        # key        :  value
            PersFields[d[0]] = column   # field name : position
            PersPos[column] = d[0]      # position   : field name d[0]
            PersTypes[d[0]] = d[1]      # field name : data type d[1]
            PersPrec[d[0]] = d[4]       # field name : precision d[4]
            PersScale[d[0]] = d[5]      # field name : scale     d[5]
            PersVals[column] = None     # position   : value (init=None)
            column += 1
        ci = None
