Thread: 7.4 in-lining of SQL functions

7.4 in-lining of SQL functions

Mike Mascari

I'm writing SQL functions that take an action code and determine the
rows visible by accessing application-maintained privilege tables.
Here's an example:

CREATE FUNCTION sql_areas(bigint) RETURNS SETOF bigint AS '

   SELECT _areas.area
   FROM _members, _webgroups, _stores, _areas
   WHERE _members.webuser = getWebuser() AND
   _members.webgroup = _webgroups.webgroup AND = AND = AND
   _webgroups.isroot AND
   _members.deactive IS NULL AND
   _webgroups.deactive IS NULL
   SELECT _areas.area
   FROM privileges, privobjs, _areas
   WHERE privileges.action = $1 AND
   privobjs.relname = ''areas'' AND
   privobjs.privobj = privileges.privobj AND
   ((privileges.isparent = true AND
     privileges.objid = OR
    (privileges.isparent = false AND
     privileges.objid = _areas.area)) AND
   (privileges.grantee = getWebuser() OR
    privileges.grantee IN (
     SELECT _members.webgroup
     FROM _members
     WHERE _members.webuser = getWebuser() AND
     _members.deactive IS NULL


I then want to build views atop this function like so:

SELECT _areas.*
FROM _areas, sql_areas(5) x
WHERE _areas.area = x;

I then have queries like:

FROM areas
WHERE = 'Foo';

which I suppose would be recursively transformed by the planner into
something far more interesting. But the wording of the 7.4 changelog of

"Simple SQL functions can now be inlined by including their SQL in the
main query. This improves performance by eliminating per-call overhead.
That means simple SQL functions now behave like macros."

has me a bit worried. What does "simple" mean? Will the planner be able
to treat my underlying SQL-language functions as macros and in-line them
into the final query for full optimization possibilities? In fact, my
plan is to have:

SQL-language function
VIEW 1 accessing SQL function
VIEW 2 accessing VIEW 1
SQL query accessing VIEW 2

Should I abandon the SQL-language function, which eliminates some
redundant code elsewhere and incorporate the functions myself into View
1, or can I count on PostgreSQL doing it for me?

Mike Mascari

Re: 7.4 in-lining of SQL functions

Tom Lane
Mike Mascari <> writes:
> "Simple SQL functions can now be inlined by including their SQL in the
> main query. This improves performance by eliminating per-call overhead.
> That means simple SQL functions now behave like macros."

> has me a bit worried. What does "simple" mean?

Not anything involving UNION :-(

The basic intent of the current inlining facility is to support inlining
of functions that return scalar results.  I think that it punts entirely
for functions that return SETOF anything; it certainly shouldn't be
expected to do amazing feats of query optimization for them...

You would probably have better results using views, if you can express
your problems using views.  Those do get "inlined" pretty well.

            regards, tom lane