Thread: gppl-patch crash

gppl-patch crash

David Helgason
(I'm not quite sure which forum would be the right one, but since I'm
pretty stuck I hope someone around here will have a suggestion)

Using postgres 7.4.1 with version 0.5.3 of the gppl patch applied.
Working like a charm under test conditions, but using a CONNECT BY
statement with a large-ish start set (START WITH set of 1023 rows is
sufficient, 1022 is not. Suspicious numbers I must say) the following
crashes the backend with a signal 11:

create table clientstate (asset integer);
create table configuration (asset integer, parent integer);

... insert some 1290 rows into configuration, connecting asset-parent
into a hierarchy (representing a directory tree, but doesn't seem to

begin work;
insert into clientstatus (asset) select serial as asset  from asset
limit 1023;
select count(*)
        (select *
            from configuration
            connect by prior asset = parent start with asset in (select asset
from clientstatus)) as s;


I'm pretty blank here. Any leads? Not doing the select in a subselect
removes the crash, so does having few enough objects in clientstatus...
I tried browsing the code of the patch, but it's pretty opaque code and
I didn't get any wiser.


David Helgason,
Over the Edge ( doing great game technology