Thread: formating interval question

formating interval question

I have an interval field which is used to calculate total hours.

At present it outputs as days hours minutes

Is there any way to output as total hours

I have tried to_char(field,'HH:MM')

but I get wierd results like -51 or -5

Re: formating interval question

Tom Lane
mike <> writes:
> I have an interval field which is used to calculate total hours.
> At present it outputs as days hours minutes
> Is there any way to output as total hours

You could always EXTRACT(EPOCH ...) to get total seconds and then
divide.  I am not sure whether EXTRACT(HOUR ...) would give the
same answer, or just the hours portion of the normal printout.
But anyway, see EXTRACT.

            regards, tom lane

Re: formating interval question

"Jesper K. Pedersen"
On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 11:58:44 +0100 (mike) wrote:

> I have an interval field which is used to calculate total hours.
> At present it outputs as days hours minutes
> Is there any way to output as total hours
> I have tried to_char(field,'HH:MM')
> but I get wierd results like -51 or -5

From the top of my head i think could probably to do something like

    extract(epoch from your_time_interval)/3600

It basically finds the "age" of your interval in seconds. The /3600 is
to find the result in hours.

If you for instance want the result with just one decimal like xxxx.y
then you can do it like this:

    round(extract(epoch from your_time_interval)/360)/10

I hope this helps.

Best regards
Jesper K. Pedersen