Thread: HOWTO: Get a table or database definition

HOWTO: Get a table or database definition

From (Google Mike)
I guess it would be great if Pgsql had a way to find a database
definition via a system stored procedure like other database platforms

There are two ways I've found so far:

    attname as "name", typname as "type", atttypmod - 4 as "size",
relhaspkey as "is_primary_key", *
    pg_class AS a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attribute AS b ON (b.attrelid = a.oid)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_type AS c ON (b.atttypid = c.oid)
where a.relname = 'names' and b.attstattarget = -1
order by attnum;

...yields great results for a table called 'names'

The other way is:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U root -s -C test | grep -i "CREATE" -A
500000 | grep -v "\-\-" | grep -v "\\connect" | grep -v "SET " | tr -s

...shows me a result for host 'localhost', port '5432', user 'root',
database 'test'

Re: HOWTO: Get a table or database definition

From (Google Mike)
One other option, which I had forgotten for a long time, was:

\d <object name>

...which can describe many things, although this doesn't give you the
CREATE syntax like a pg_dump can do. Please also note that a pg_dump
can dump output to the screen if you don't specify a file, so if
you're only outputting the schema with "-s -C", it doesn't really
impact a live production database much at all.