Thread: problems returning a resultset from a function

problems returning a resultset from a function

Leo Martin Orfei

I have a problem with postgres functions.
I need return a resultset from a postgres function and
browse the resultset in a java app.
I try with this simple function:

create function test() returns catalog.refcursor as'
declare aux refcursor;
    OPEN aux FOR SELECT name, address FROM table;
    RETURN aux;
'LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

and the java

CallableStatement cs = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
cs = con.prepareCall("{ ? = call test()}");
cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.OTHER);
rs = cs.executeQuery();;
System.out.println("name: " +rs.getString(1));

but throws te following error:

cursor "<unnamed portal 1>" does not exist

I try this too:

Statement s = null;
rs = s.executeQuery("select test()");;
System.out.println("name: " +rs.getString(1));

and don't throws an error, but show me the following

name: <unnamed portal 1>

anybody can help me with this?


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Re: problems returning a resultset from a function

"Jim Wilson"
Leo Martin Orfei said:

> hi.
> I have a problem with postgres functions.
> I need return a resultset from a postgres function and
> browse the resultset in a java app.
> I try with this simple function:
> create function test() returns catalog.refcursor as'
> declare aux refcursor;
>     OPEN aux FOR SELECT name, address FROM table;
>     RETURN aux;
> END;
> 'LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

My apologies if this has been responded to already as I am not currently
reading pgsql-jdbc and the archive three days behind.  AFAIK there isn't
support for embedded work in jdbc, so it doesn't seem returning a cursor
directly would help (well maybe there is a way...I don't know).

In order to accomplish what I think you want to accomplish (which is to
establish a jdbc resultset object from a stored function) I've done the
following in the past:

Create a pl/pgsql function that returns a rowtype, DECLARED as follows:

  -- the "table" in the following refers to an existing table definition
  row table%rowtype;

In the pl/pgsql script you have something like:

  -- return each row in the result set
  for row in SELECT name, address FROM table loop
    return next row;
  end loop;

Then in java call this using just a regular statement object:

  // test() is the name of the stored function.
  rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from test()");
  while ( {
    ...code to browse/process the rows...

Note the above examples might have a typo or two...but that's the general
idea.  I have not used the stored procedure statement object as you did.
Perhaps that would be more portable.



Jim Wilson - IT Manager
Kelco Industries
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