Thread: SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted

SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted

"Chris Ochs"
On 8 beta1 I get 'SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted'  *sometimes* when
executing the following, but only when there are other clients connecting to
the same database.

ALTER TABLE declines
    ALTER COLUMN comp_name TYPE varchar(128),
    ALTER COLUMN f_name1 TYPE varchar(48),
    ALTER COLUMN l_name1 TYPE varchar(48),
    ALTER COLUMN country TYPE varchar(48);


Re: SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted

Tom Lane
"Chris Ochs" <> writes:
> On 8 beta1 I get 'SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted'  *sometimes* when
> executing the following, but only when there are other clients connecting to
> the same database.

Hmm.  The SMgrRelation hashtable is local in each backend, so I'm not
sure I believe the correlation to other backends being active, but ...

What I'd suggest doing is changing the elog(ERROR) to elog(PANIC)
(in smgrclose in src/backend/storage/smgr/smgr.c), rebuilding with
--enable-debug if you didn't already, and then getting a debugger
stack trace from the core dump next time it happens.

            regards, tom lane

Re: SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted

Tom Lane
"Chris Ochs" <> writes:
> On 8 beta1 I get 'SMgrRelation hashtable corrupted'  *sometimes* when
> executing the following, but only when there are other clients connecting to
> the same database.

FWIW, I tried to reproduce this with no success.

            regards, tom lane