Thread: Querying large record sets

Querying large record sets

"Jon Asher"
Our new Postgres database includes a table with about 1 mil records.  So far, I've been impressed with the performance of queries against 1 mil rows.  Unfortunately I just found out that the size of the table will increase to 3 mil records.
Can I expect Postgres to return results on a query with a basic join against a 3 mil record table in under 1 sec?  The box is a Xenon processor with 512 MB RAM.  The table is indexed on an integer field that's also the foreign key in most joins.  I'm not familiar with how Postgres scales as your table size grows, so any input would be appreciated...

Re: Querying large record sets

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 09:25:51PM -0700, Jon Asher wrote:
> Hi,
> Our new Postgres database includes a table with about 1 mil records.  So
> far, I've been impressed with the performance of queries against 1 mil rows.
> Unfortunately I just found out that the size of the table will increase to 3
> mil records.
> Can I expect Postgres to return results on a query with a basic join against
> a 3 mil record table in under 1 sec?  The box is a Xenon processor with 512
> MB RAM.  The table is indexed on an integer field that's also the foreign
> key in most joins.  I'm not familiar with how Postgres scales as your table
> size grows, so any input would be appreciated...

That machine is probably better than the one I have a 16.5 million row
table on (23 columns, lots of data :) Anyway, we have appropriate
indexes and response time is not an issue for us... PostgreSQL still
gets faster with each release :)
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> Patent. n. Genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. A patent is a
> tool for doing 5% of the work and then sitting around waiting for someone
> else to do the other 95% so you can sue them.
