Thread: ANN:BiggerSQL-1.3.5 released. MultiMedia Aware

ANN:BiggerSQL-1.3.5 released. MultiMedia Aware

Jerry LeVan
BiggerSQL is a Cocoa based Mac OS X postgresql browser.

Some of the highlights:
  o A SQL editor window that allows selective execution of code.
  o Support for a per user library of scripts.
  o Saving the results of queries in a variety of formats.
  o Persistent command history.
  o Double click access to any table in the catalog.
  o Access to psql metacommands.
  o The ability to view a field in a large variety of formats.
And much more...

BiggerSQL can be downloaded (with source) from:

 From the Version History:
Version 1.3.5 Additions

This  version uses a newer version of Andreas Mayer's Shell Wrapper. A
message is now
posted when starting if psql is found.

BiggerSQL is now multimedia aware. The contextual menu obtained by
command clicking
the results grid now has two new menu items.

    1) View Oid as QuickTime Asset
    2) View Bytea as QuickTime Asset

The "View Oid as QuickTime Asset" menu expects that you have a oid of a
large object
that contains a multimedia file that QuickTime can understand.
QuickTime can interpret
well over 100 different types of mutlimedia, but it needs a little
help. A dialog will appear
asking for a hint for the contents of the large object. The hint
consists of naming a file
extension that typically would be used if the data were stored in a
file. So you might
respond with
       .mp3  if the media was the representation of an mp3 file or
      .mov   if the media was a QuickTime movie.
      .jpg    if the media was a jpg picture.

Since QuickTime assets can be very large, when the Quicktime window is
closed, the resources
associated with the window are released. In any case the user has to be
careful about memory

By default, a NSMovieView scales the object to fill the view. Thanks to
Douglas Welton, I have
been able to scale the content proportionally. This might be useful for
view large pictures.

Note that since the asset is scaled that a black bar will probably
appear of the top or right
side of the Quicktime window due to the mismatch of the proportions.

The "View Bytea as QuickTime Asset" menu item works in an identical
fashion except the
cursor needs to be over a bytea item when the contextual menu is