Thread: multimedia on postgresql

multimedia on postgresql

My Thi Ho
I am working on a project which explore postgresql to store multimedia
data. In details,  i am trying to work with the buffer management part
of postgres source code. I had search on the web but could not find much
usefull information.
Is there any developer groups that working on similar things ? Where can i
find more information on this issue?
Thank you very much for your help

Re: multimedia on postgresql

Jeff Davis
On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 00:43, My Thi Ho wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a project which explore postgresql to store multimedia
> data. In details,  i am trying to work with the buffer management part
> of postgres source code. I had search on the web but could not find much
> usefull information.

A good place to start might be the source code. bufmgr.c may be what
you're looking for.

Why change the backend's buffer management though? Are you experiencing
a low cache hit rate?

If you give some details on your performance problems, some buffer
manager fixes just might make it into the 8.0.0 release (I think Jan
created a new buffer management algorithm that works in 8.0.0beta1).

You can modify some parameters (like the number of shared buffers to
create) in the postgresql.conf.

Also, you should expect the OS to help when it comes to buffer
management. What OS are you running, and have you already examined OS

    Jeff Davis