Thread: Re: Index Issues & ReIndex

Re: Index Issues & ReIndex

Andrew Sukow

We're running a system with tables that range from 300,000 to 60 Million records.  Our indexes seem to be having
issues. Let me please describe the symptoms. 

1. Big Int Indexes point to the wrong result
2. Duplicate quries run minutes apart return different result sets but then stablize to one result.
3. Vacuum verbose shows nothing and fixes nothing (haven't done vacuum full cause the tables can be huge around 60
4. Analyze fixes nothing
5. REINDEX fixes the issue sometimes and removes the specific result we were looking for others.  IE: Makes the issue
goaway OR deletes the row. 
6. REINDEX fix lasts until we insert more rows at which time the error will show up again.
7. ONLY Indexes are affected.
8. Running version Postgres 7.4.3, 300 gigs of storage space outstanding

Thanks for any input on what you think the issue may be,


Re: Index Issues & ReIndex

Tom Lane
Andrew Sukow <> writes:
> 1. Big Int Indexes point to the wrong result
> 2. Duplicate quries run minutes apart return different result sets but
> then stablize to one result.

You sure you don't have hardware problems?  Generally, when someone
shows up reporting bizarre instability, it ends up being broken
hardware.  This could be a software issue, but it doesn't smell like it.

> 7. ONLY Indexes are affected.

Define what you mean by that.  How do you know it's only the indexes?

> 8. Running version Postgres 7.4.3, 300 gigs of storage space outstanding

What's the platform?  What did you compile Postgres with?

            regards, tom lane