Thread: Re: Sequence Question DOH!

Re: Sequence Question DOH!

Oscar Tuscon
Oscar - if you're still interested in grabbing variable ranges of
sequence-id's then I had an idea. Just multiply nextval() by 1000 (or
whatever) and use however many you need. You'll want to set the maximum
for the sequence correspondingly lower.
   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Thanks Richard,
I'd considered using an approach as you suggest, but I need long term high volume scalability and don't want to waste
sequencevalues. Not that 2**64 will happen anytime soon... 

What I did was to use my existing shm subsystem, which controls accesses with semaphores, and allocated a lock obj. I
justmodified my sequence accessor (which was already abstracted to keep db independence) to lock/unlock around sequence
nextval/setval.Since the majority of my sequence requirements are for batches I wound up with about a 30% net app
performanceimprovement (and about 500x in the sequence accessing!) 


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