Thread: UPDATE statement

UPDATE statement

Geoffrey KRETZ

Is it a way to make the following UPDATE statement work with PGS 7.4
(UNIX) :

UPDATE dbit2 SET (dbit2_key,dbit2_c10,dbit2_vc200) = (ABS(-1),NULL,'xx')
WHERE dbit2_key=1

Or am I force to use the following syntax :

UPDATE dbit2 SET dbit2_key = ABS(-1), dbit2_c10 = NULL , dbit2_vc200 =
'xx' WHERE dbit2_key=1

Geoffrey KRETZ - Four J's Development Tools

Re: UPDATE statement

Geoffrey KRETZ
Richard Huxton wrote:

> Geoffrey KRETZ wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is it a way to make the following UPDATE statement work with PGS 7.4
>> (UNIX) :
>> UPDATE dbit2 SET (dbit2_key,dbit2_c10,dbit2_vc200) =
>> (ABS(-1),NULL,'xx') WHERE dbit2_key=1
>> Or am I force to use the following syntax :
>> UPDATE dbit2 SET dbit2_key = ABS(-1), dbit2_c10 = NULL , dbit2_vc200
>> = 'xx' WHERE dbit2_key=1
> Sorry - only the second one. See the UPDATE page in the manuals for
> details.
> (You're not the first to suggest that SQL's update and insert
> statements should look the same. Unfortunately, without a time-machine
> we're stuck with two different forms).
Thanks for the quick answer
