Thread: psql - list objects in a schema

psql - list objects in a schema

Dennis Bjorklund
There is no command in psql to list the objects in a schema. The methods
I've had so far is

  \d the_schema.*

that shows all objects in detail, not a list. And this is what I've been

  \d the_schema.<tab><tab>

which shows a list of the names (if you have compiled psql with readline
and tab completion works).

So I decided to add a command to list the objects. When I looked in the
source I noticed that it already exists:

  \dtvs the_schema.*

I bet most of you didn't know that!

This is like running \dt, \dv and \ds. This lists the tables, views and
sequences, which is mostly what we want (I want to see functions as well,
but you cant get everything).

/Dennis Björklund