Thread: PGplSql: Relation 44451 does not exist

PGplSql: Relation 44451 does not exist

"Kuti Attila"



I have a pgplsql function. It is quite short and simple.


The problem:

The following error message comes up for the SECOND time I call the it

“Relation 44451 does not exist”


In the function I create a temporary table, and at the end I drop it… There may be problem with this ? I don’t know…


So the error message does not come up for the first call.


The body of function:



    in_type alias for $1;

    in_MemberID alias for $2;

    in_SponsorID alias for $3;


    vSponsorID integer;

    vtSponsorID integer;

    vi         integer;

    vMaxi      integer;

    vDirect    integer;

    vRec       record;





            vDirect := (select count(*) as  ps from comMatrixMembers cmm where cmm.state ='A' and cmm.sponsorID = in_SponsorID);


    create temp sequence Tmembers_id0_id_seq;

            create temp table Tmembers (

            id0_id integer default nextval('Tmembers_id0_id_seq') ,

            memberID integer NOT NULL




            vi := 0;

            vSponsorID := in_SponsorID;

            vMaxi := 2;


            while vi <= vMaxi loop

        vtSponsorID := vSponsorID;


        vSponsorID := (select memberID from Tmembers where id0_id = vi);

        if vSponsorID is null then

           vSponsorID := vtSponsorID;

        end if;



                        insert into Tmembers (memberID)

                                    select cmm.memberID from comMatrixMembers cmm

                                    where cmm.sponsorID = vSponsorID

                                                and cmm.state = 'A';


        vMaxi := (select coalesce(max(id0_id),0) as vm from Tmembers);

                        vi := vi + 1;


            end loop;



            vi := (select (count(*) - vDirect) as ps from Tmembers);


    -- check whether in_SponsorID is a sponsor of in_MemberID

    vMaxi := (select count(*) as ps from Tmembers where memberID = in_MemberID);


    if in_MemberID = in_SponsorID then

       vMaxi := 1;

    end if;


drop sequence Tmembers_id0_id_seq;

            drop table Tmembers;



   if in_type = 'D' then

     return vDirect;

   elsif in_type ='I' then

     return vi;

   elsif in_type = 'A' then

       return vi + vDirect;


     return vMaxi;

   end if;




Re: PGplSql: Relation 44451 does not exist

Richard Huxton
Kuti Attila wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a pgplsql function. It is quite short and simple.
> The problem:
> The following error message comes up for the SECOND time I call the it
> "Relation 44451 does not exist"
> In the function I create a temporary table, and at the end I drop it. There
> may be problem with this ? I don't know.

Plpgsql is compiled, so it refers to tables via their OID. The second
time around Tmembers has a different OID and so you get your error message.

The solution is to use the EXECUTE construct when accessing the table,
or to use an interpreted language (e.g. pltcl).

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: PGplSql: Relation 44451 does not exist

Pavel Stehule

read please

Pavel Stehule

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Kuti Attila wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a pgplsql function. It is quite short and simple.
> The problem:
> The following error message comes up for the SECOND time I call the it
> "Relation 44451 does not exist"
> In the function I create a temporary table, and at the end I drop it. There
> may be problem with this ? I don't know.
> So the error message does not come up for the first call.
> The body of function:
> declare
>     in_type alias for $1;
>     in_MemberID alias for $2;
>     in_SponsorID alias for $3;
>     vSponsorID integer;
>     vtSponsorID integer;
>     vi         integer;
>     vMaxi      integer;
>     vDirect    integer;
>     vRec       record;
> begin
>             vDirect := (select count(*) as  ps from comMatrixMembers cmm
> where cmm.state ='A' and cmm.sponsorID = in_SponsorID);
>     create temp sequence Tmembers_id0_id_seq;
>             create temp table Tmembers (
>             id0_id integer default nextval('Tmembers_id0_id_seq') ,
>             memberID integer NOT NULL
>             );
>             vi := 0;
>             vSponsorID := in_SponsorID;
>             vMaxi := 2;
>             while vi <= vMaxi loop
>         vtSponsorID := vSponsorID;
>         vSponsorID := (select memberID from Tmembers where id0_id = vi);
>         if vSponsorID is null then
>            vSponsorID := vtSponsorID;
>         end if;
>                         insert into Tmembers (memberID)
>                                     select cmm.memberID from
> comMatrixMembers cmm
>                                     where cmm.sponsorID = vSponsorID
>                                                 and cmm.state = 'A';
>         vMaxi := (select coalesce(max(id0_id),0) as vm from Tmembers);
>                         vi := vi + 1;
>             end loop;
>             vi := (select (count(*) - vDirect) as ps from Tmembers);
>     -- check whether in_SponsorID is a sponsor of in_MemberID
>     vMaxi := (select count(*) as ps from Tmembers where memberID =
> in_MemberID);
>     if in_MemberID = in_SponsorID then
>        vMaxi := 1;
>     end if;
> drop sequence Tmembers_id0_id_seq;
>             drop table Tmembers;
>    if in_type = 'D' then
>      return vDirect;
>    elsif in_type ='I' then
>      return vi;
>    elsif in_type = 'A' then
>        return vi + vDirect;
>    else
>      return vMaxi;
>    end if;
> end