Thread: Re: zope, postgresql and idle connections

Re: zope, postgresql and idle connections

"Lee Harr"
>database "xyz" is being accessed by other users
>is my problem.
>i use postgesql 7.3.2 and zope 2.6.1 (python 2.1.3).
>i want to create and drop databases. creating is no problem and my
>script works fine. but dropping is the problem - postgres don't wanna
>drop the db (bin/dropdb).

I have one system that is pretty much just like that. For me, this
error is always because of an open connection from Zope to the

>is there any suggestions from you? or does anybody know how to close a
>connection with zope (just "close connection" in the control panel
>didn't help).

The connections to the (postgresql) database are not controlled in the
"Control Panel" -- that only deals with the Zope database (ZODB) itself.

The connections to postgres may be sprinkled throughout your folders.
They are the "Database Connection" objects. In my case, I am using the
psycopg db connector so they are "Z Psycopg Database Connection"

I can go to the "Root Folder" click on the "Find" tab, select
"Z Psycopg Database Connector" in the "Find objects of type:" selection
box and find all of the connectors that exist.

When I wanted to drop/ re-create databases in a script, what I did was
use pexpect (a python expect-like module) and w3m (a text based web
browser) to access the URLs which will close the database connections.

Every time I had any trouble, there was a Database Connector that was
created for some kind of testing and was left open accidentally.

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