Thread: Who is managing the postgresql documentation?

Who is managing the postgresql documentation?

Mark Harrison
More specifically, I wrote an application note for using the
asynchronous interface that I think will be useful for other
people.  Who should I contact about making that note generally

Many TIA,

Mark Harrison
Pixar Animation Studios

Re: Who is managing the postgresql documentation?

Robert Treat
The docs themselves are in CVS so you can write up a patch and submit it
if you like. Barring that post your change to pgsql-docs and someone
will take a look at it.

Robert Treat

On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 14:19, Mark Harrison wrote:
> More specifically, I wrote an application note for using the
> asynchronous interface that I think will be useful for other
> people.  Who should I contact about making that note generally
> available?
> Many TIA,
> Mark
> --
> Mark Harrison
> Pixar Animation Studios
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

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Re: Who is managing the postgresql documentation?

Bruce Momjian
Mark Harrison wrote:
> More specifically, I wrote an application note for using the
> asynchronous interface that I think will be useful for other
> people.  Who should I contact about making that note generally
> available?

Find the SGML files for the docs and submit a patch with your additions
to the patches list.  Thanks.

  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073