Thread: Postgres on Solaris 10

Postgres on Solaris 10

Phil Berman
Does anyone know if Postgres runs/will run on Solaris
10?  If not, will it be released for that OS?

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Re: Postgres on Solaris 10

Bruce Momjian
Phil Berman wrote:
> Does anyone know if Postgres runs/will run on Solaris
> 10?  If not, will it be released for that OS?

Uh, it should work fine.

  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: Postgres on Solaris 10

Christopher Browne
The world rejoiced as (Phil Berman) wrote:
> Does anyone know if Postgres runs/will run on Solaris
> 10?  If not, will it be released for that OS?

At some point, probably.  It would be surprising for version 10 to be
_so_ incompatible with its predecessors that PostgreSQL would be
totally broken there.

But Sun seems to still be in the "preparing to release it" phase; it
will be tough to predict what happens before release.  And it's not
evident that version 10 is necessarily something to jump to quickly.

-> If it's not much different from Solaris 9, then there's likely
   little value to leaping to 10 quickly;

-> If it _is_ terribly different, then there's a significant risk
   in being an 'early adopter.'
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