Thread: Equivalent for mysql's FOUND_ROWS()

Equivalent for mysql's FOUND_ROWS()

Victor Spång Arthursson
With mysql it's possible to add a parameter "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" to
the selectstatement and then after having made a query to the database
with a limit clause you can fire off a second query, "SELECT
found_rows() as numberofrows" to get the number of rows the query would
have returned without the LIMIT-clause…

I wonder, is there any way, exept splitting the query up and make
different calls to the database, to accomplish the same with postgresQL
as with mysql?



Re: Equivalent for mysql's FOUND_ROWS()

Jan Wieck
Victor Spång Arthursson wrote:
> With mysql it's possible to add a parameter "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" to
> the selectstatement and then after having made a query to the database
> with a limit clause you can fire off a second query, "SELECT
> found_rows() as numberofrows" to get the number of rows the query would
> have returned without the LIMIT-clause…
> I wonder, is there any way, exept splitting the query up and make
> different calls to the database, to accomplish the same with postgresQL
> as with mysql?

Don't use LIMIT.

Open a cursor for the select, fetch the number of rows you want, if the
FETCH returned that many, do a "MOVE FORWARD ALL IN <cursorname>". The
number of rows skipped by the MOVE will be PQcmdTuples(result), so the
rows you got from FETCH plus that number is the information you're
looking for.


> Sincerely
> Victor
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