Thread: Dblink question

Dblink question

"Sam Masiello"
Hello all!

I am rather stuck and am hoping someone can help. I am working on a
project where users need to be able to send one query which will hit
databases on multiple hosts (the database structures are the same) and
tie the data back together again.

After doing lots of reading it looks like dblink might be a great
solution for this. After trying to insert dblink.sql into the database,
I just get a series of errors:

ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/dblink': No such file or directory

Does anyone know how I can get around this error? Or is dblink not
really a good solution for what I am trying to do? I am sure others out
there have had to do similar tasks before so any advice that can be
provided would be greatly appreciated!

TIA for your time and reply!


Re: Dblink question

Tom Lane
"Sam Masiello" <> writes:
> After trying to insert dblink.sql into the database,
> I just get a series of errors:

> ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/dblink': No such file or directory

Did you compile the dblink shared library and install it in the correct

            regards, tom lane

Re: Dblink question

"Sam Masiello"
I ran "make" and "make install" which is what I thought the readme said
to do.  Did I miss something obvious?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:19 PM
To: Sam Masiello
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Dblink question

"Sam Masiello" <> writes:
> After trying to insert dblink.sql into the database, I just get a
> series of errors:

> ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/dblink': No such file or directory

Did you compile the dblink shared library and install it in the correct

            regards, tom lane

Re: Dblink question

Joe Conway
Sam Masiello wrote:
> After doing lots of reading it looks like dblink might be a great
> solution for this. After trying to insert dblink.sql into the database,
> I just get a series of errors:
> ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/dblink': No such file or directory

This is not a dblink error per se, but rather a "dynamic library can't
be found" error. At a shell prompt, run the following:
   pg_config --pkglibdir
That should output the $libdir path (e.g. /usr/local/pgsql/lib). Now go
look there for dblink.<dll-ext-for-yourOS> (e.g. If it isn't
there, do a "make clean" and show us the output of
   make install
   make installcheck
