Thread: unattended backupscript not working with 7.4.2, works in 7.1

unattended backupscript not working with 7.4.2, works in 7.1

"Development -"
Hello to the List,

i have a question about backing up my fresh updated databases :)
after updating some of my databases, everything works fine, except my
i run this script as root from cronjob with su - postgres -c "...script..."
it works fine with postgres 7.1, but in 7.4.2 something seems to have
changed on the behaviour of psql, and pg_dump

my pg_hba.conf is as follow, same values in 7.1

local   all         all                                             password
host    all     all         password

my script looks like that:

#! /bin/sh
PORTS="5433 5434"
for port in $PORTS; do
        export PGPORT=$port
        DBs=$($DBHOME/bin/psql -t -c "select datname from pg_database"
template1 <$PASSWORDFILE)

        for DB in $DBs; do
                mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR/$DB

                #sheme backup with createDB
                $DBHOME/bin/pg_dump -x -s -C $DB -u < $USERPASSWORDFILE
                echo "$DB:$ARCHIVENAME" >> $LOGFILE
....and so on

as i use pg_dump from 7.1 with my 7.1 databases, script runs without
asking for a password
but when i tried it with 7.4.2 binaries (psql, pg_dump) on my 7.4.2
database  then i was asked for a password, and thats not what a cronjob
can answer to ;)

i changed the lines above to use -U postgres and only $PASSWORDFILE for
input, but this doesnt help...

any suggestions?
thanks for reading and comments,

yours sincerely

Re: unattended backupscript not working with 7.4.2, works in 7.1

Alvaro Herrera
On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 03:42:04AM +0200, Development - wrote:

> i have a question about backing up my fresh updated databases :)
> after updating some of my databases, everything works fine, except my
> backupscripts.
> i run this script as root from cronjob with su - postgres -c "...script..."
> it works fine with postgres 7.1, but in 7.4.2 something seems to have
> changed on the behaviour of psql, and pg_dump

I think the difference is that the programs don't read the password from
stdin anymore; rather they expect it on /dev/tty.  Maybe you could use
the ~/.pgpass file instead; read its documentation in the libpq section
of the manual.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
"Nadie esta tan esclavizado como el que se cree libre no siendolo" (Goethe)

Re: unattended backupscript not working with 7.4.2, works in 7.1

Tom Lane
"Development -" <> writes:
> after updating some of my databases, everything works fine, except my
> backupscripts.
> any suggestions?

Set up a ~/.pgpass file for the account that's running the backup job.
Or switch to a non-password-based authentication mechanism.

            regards, tom lane