Thread: New replication software pgpool available

New replication software pgpool available

Tatsuo Ishii
pgpool 1.0, yet another open source replication software for
PostgreSQL is now available at:

pgpool is a single master/query based/synchronous replication
server. It acts as a proxy server between PostgreSQL client and
PostgreSQL server. No application change is needed to use pgpool.
pgpool's features include:

o connection pooling. This will reduce the connection establishing

o pre-forking child processes. Like Apache, pgpool pre-forks child
  processes to provide faster service startup.

o degeneration. In the replication mode, if one of PostgreSQL goes
  down, it detaches the broken server and continues operation with the
  surviving server.

o fail over. In the connection pool server mode, if master PostgreSQL
  goes down, it detaches the broken server and continues operation
  with the stand-by server.

pgpool can work with PostgreSQL 7.0 to 7.4. It's small and easy to
install. All you need is gcc. You even do not need PostgreSQL source

Tatsuo Ishii