Thread: Has anyone come up with a work-around for the capitalization of non C-locale letters?
Has anyone come up with a work-around for the capitalization of non C-locale letters?
"Dann Corbit"
select productname, upper(productname) from products gives this: Gustaf's Knäckebröd GUSTAF'S KNäCKEBRöD Tunnbröd TUNNBRöD Gumbär Gummibärchen GUMBäR GUMMIBäRCHEN Tourtière TOURTIèRE Pâté chinois PâTé CHINOIS Sirop d'érable SIROP D'éRABLE Röd Kaviar RöD KAVIAR Rhönbräu Klosterbier RHöNBRäU KLOSTERBIER Lakkalikööri LAKKALIKööRI Original Frankfurter grüne Soße ORIGINAL FRANKFURTER GRüNE SOßE Which is failing the regression.
Re: Has anyone come up with a work-around for the capitalization of non C-locale letters?
"Dann Corbit"
Jeepers, creepers I am an idiot. All I needed to do was recompile with USE_LOCALE defined. SELECT 'ÿ ñ ö ï Ä Í Ö É È Ì Â Ñ Ë Ï Ê Ø Î ß Ü Ý ø ý ì Ÿ ü â ë î é ä í è í è ê' , upper('ÿ ñ ö ï Ä Í Ö É È Ì Â Ñ Ë Ï Ê Ø Î ß ÜÝ ø ý ì Ÿ ü â ë î é ä í è í è ê'), lower('ÿ ñ ö ï Ä Í Ö É È Ì Â Ñ Ë Ï Ê Ø Î ß Ü Ý ø ý ì Ÿ ü â ë î é ä í è í è ê') Returns ÿ ñ ö ï Ä Í Ö É È Ì Â Ñ Ë Ï Ê Ø Î ß Ü Ý ø ý ì Ÿ ü â ë î é ä í è í è ê Ÿ Ñ Ö Ï Ä Í Ö É È Ì Â Ñ Ë Ï Ê Ø Î ß Ü Ý Ø Ý Ì Ÿ Ü Â Ë Î É Ä Í È Í È Ê ÿ ñ ö ï ä í ö é è ì â ñ ë ï ê ø î ß ü ý ø ý ì ÿ ü â ë î é ä í è í è ê And now 'Gustaf's Knäckebröd' Comes back as 'GUSTAF'S KNÄCKEBRÖD' when capitalized -----Original Message----- From: Dann Corbit Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:16 PM To: '' Subject: Has anyone come up with a work-around for the capitalization of non C-locale letters? select productname, upper(productname) from products gives this: Gustaf's Knäckebröd GUSTAF'S KNäCKEBRöD Tunnbröd TUNNBRöD Gumbär Gummibärchen GUMBäR GUMMIBäRCHEN Tourtière TOURTIèRE Pâté chinois PâTé CHINOIS Sirop d'érable SIROP D'éRABLE Röd Kaviar RöD KAVIAR Rhönbräu Klosterbier RHöNBRäU KLOSTERBIER Lakkalikööri LAKKALIKööRI Original Frankfurter grüne Soße ORIGINAL FRANKFURTER GRüNE SOßE Which is failing the regression.
Re: Has anyone come up with a work-around for the capitalization of non C-locale letters?
Tom Lane
"Dann Corbit" <> writes: > All I needed to do was recompile with USE_LOCALE defined. It's been a fair while since that option even existed. Not to be rude, but you'd get better support on the lists if you were running something more current ... it's hard to remember gotchas that we got rid of years ago. regards, tom lane