Thread: Are functions automatically transactioned?

Are functions automatically transactioned?

Ciprian Popovici
I need to perform a couple of queries in a function and I need them to be in
the same transaction. I understand I can't start and stop transactions from
inside the functions. But are the contents of a function placed in a
transaction automatically by the server, or do I have to "manually" control
the transaction around the call to the function?

Ciprian Popovici

Re: Are functions automatically transactioned?

Kevin Lohka
Ciprian, I just saw this in the online docs at

<smaller>It is important not to confuse the use of
</fontfamily>/<fontfamily><param>Courier</param>END </fontfamily>for
grouping statements in PL/pgSQL with the database commands for
transaction control. PL/pgSQL 's
</fontfamily>/<fontfamily><param>Courier</param>END </fontfamily>are
only for grouping; they do not start or end a transaction.
</smaller>Functions and trigger procedures are always executed within
a transaction<smaller> established by an outer query      --- they
cannot start or commit transactions, since PostgreSQL does not have
nested transactions. </smaller>


Kevin Lohka

On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, at 03:43 PM, Ciprian Popovici wrote:

<excerpt> But are the contents of a function placed in a

transaction automatically by the server, or do I have to "manually"

the transaction around the call to the function?


Ciprian Popovici

Ciprian, I just saw this in the online docs at

It is important not to confuse the use of BEGIN /END for grouping
statements in PL/pgSQL with the database commands for transaction
control. PL/pgSQL 's BEGIN /END are only for grouping; they do not
start or end a transaction.  Functions and trigger procedures are
always executed within a transaction established by an outer query
--- they cannot start or commit transactions, since PostgreSQL does not
have nested transactions.


Kevin Lohka

On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, at 03:43 PM, Ciprian Popovici wrote:

>  But are the contents of a function placed in a
> transaction automatically by the server, or do I have to "manually"
> control
> the transaction around the call to the function?
> --
> Ciprian Popovici