Bas Scheffers wrote:
>>brought to my attention is that PHP is natively supported by Apache
>>and JSP requires a separate interpreter (Jakarta or whatever).
>There is more to life than Apache and there are much better Java solutions
>than Jakarta! If you want to go the Java way, do yourself a favour and use
> It's the fastest, most reliable and most
>compliant of all the servlet engines out there.
>By the sounds of it, you are a beginner in any technology. If you are
>thinking of persuing this as a carreer, Java is a good choice as Java
>developers have much more choice of jobs (also non-web related!) and tend
>to fetch more (_much_ more, in this town anyway) money. That is if you are
>going to be any good, of course! ;-)
>But I don't like Java too much for web apps and wouldn't recomend it to
>any beginner that wants quick and reliable results! My favourite
>technology (and no doubt that of many on this list) is AOLserver
>( It's fast, reliable and uses the wonderful Tcl
>programming language that I can recomend to any beginner; it is clean,
>simple and without many pitfalls or a dozen different commands for doing
>essentialy the same thing. (Unlike PHP...) It doesn't make you popular on
>Slashdot though, if that is what you are after. :)
>Good luck!
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
> joining column's datatypes do not match
As far as server support goes, apache doesn't have native support for
php (hence mod_php).
If your are running a linux distribution that happens to have mod_php
support set up you are good. Manually configuration on the other hand
can be a huge task for newbs. Installing jakarta on the other hand is
just extracting the tar file, and setting the CLASSPATH. thats it.
finding online help/forums/examples is a _lot_ better with php. Most
jsp/servlet developers have a java background, often it is assumes that
you know java.
I am running four jakarta/tomat servers with no problems. Stability is