Thread: Prepared queries

Prepared queries

"Cyril VELTER"
I'm converting an application to use the V3 protocol features in the 7.4
libpq. As I need to make a design choice regarding the use of prepared
statements, I'm wondering what ressources does a prepared statement use on
the server ? If I need to create several hundred in each backend, is there a
big memory overhead ? What's the time spent by the backend to find one
prepared statement into a list of several hundreds of them ?



Re: Prepared queries

Tom Lane
"Cyril VELTER" <> writes:
> I'm converting an application to use the V3 protocol features in the 7.4
> libpq. As I need to make a design choice regarding the use of prepared
> statements, I'm wondering what ressources does a prepared statement use on
> the server ? If I need to create several hundred in each backend, is there a
> big memory overhead ?

It'd depend on the complexity of the query plans, but I'd think order of a
few KB per query.

> What's the time spent by the backend to find one
> prepared statement into a list of several hundreds of them ?

The prepared queries are indexed by a hash table, so the lookup time
should be fairly constant independent of their number.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Prepared queries

"Cyril VELTER"
    Thanks for your answer. Is there any way to know at runtime the space
effectively occupied by all prepared statements in a backend ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <>
To: "Cyril VELTER" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Prepared queries

> "Cyril VELTER" <> writes:
> > I'm converting an application to use the V3 protocol features in the 7.4
> > libpq. As I need to make a design choice regarding the use of prepared
> > statements, I'm wondering what ressources does a prepared statement use
> > the server ? If I need to create several hundred in each backend, is
there a
> > big memory overhead ?
> It'd depend on the complexity of the query plans, but I'd think order of a
> few KB per query.
> > What's the time spent by the backend to find one
> > prepared statement into a list of several hundreds of them ?
> The prepared queries are indexed by a hash table, so the lookup time
> should be fairly constant independent of their number.
> regards, tom lane
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