Thread: authentication failed

authentication failed

From (Bogdan Chytrek)
Why happens this?

Warning: pg_connect() unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL:
IDENT authentication failed for user "bchytrek" in
/var/www/html/physio2/test.php on line 19

The php-statement is :

$conn = pg_connect("dbname=testdb  user=bchytrek");

the owner of that testdb is bchytrek and he does not have a password, he
is in the users-list as superuser, an may cerate dbs.

So why does the authentication fail?



Re: authentication failed

"D. Dante Lorenso"
Bogdan Chytrek wrote:

>Why happens this?
>Warning: pg_connect() unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL:
>IDENT authentication failed for user "bchytrek" in
>/var/www/html/physio2/test.php on line 19
>The php-statement is :
>$conn = pg_connect("dbname=testdb  user=bchytrek");
>the owner of that testdb is bchytrek and he does not have a password, he
>is in the users-list as superuser, an may cerate dbs.
>So why does the authentication fail?
Check your pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files.

I bet you forgot to turn on tcp/ip sockets, didn't you ;-)

On my RedHat 9 box:

     -- /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

    #TYPE   DATABASE        USER    IP-ADDRESS      IP-MASK         METHOD
    local   all             all                                     trust
    host    all             all         trust

     -- /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

    tcpip_socket = true

Try starting with something like THIS ... then tighten the security
after you get it to start working.


Re: authentication failed

Tom Lane
Date: (Bogdan Chytrek) writes:
> So why does the authentication fail?

Because the PHP script is not running as Unix user bchytrek (most likely
that process runs under some daemon userid or other).  When you are
using IDENT authentication, your Unix user name has to match your
Postgres user name.

You could possibly work around that by creating an IDENT map that allows
the PHP daemon user to be accepted as bchytrek; see the admin guide for
details.  But more likely you'll just want to switch to a different
authentication method.

            regards, tom lane

Re: authentication failed

"Chris Travers"
Hi Bogdan;

This is a typical problem when you install PosgreSQL via the Red Hat CD's.

You need to edit the pg_hba.conf and change the authentication type to more
appropriate settings.  If your PHP app connects using a host field in the
connection string, it will be using a network socket.  Otherwise, it will be
a local socket.

I usually set my servers to use md5 authentication for all network
connections and trust for local connections, allowing the admin to connect
locally as any user, but this assumes a level of security and architecture
you may not wish to assume.  md5 authentication on both local and network
sockets will force password authentication for all connections via a
zero-knowledge md5-sum authentication method.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bogdan Chytrek" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 6:26 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] authentication failed

Why happens this?

Warning: pg_connect() unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL:
IDENT authentication failed for user "bchytrek" in
/var/www/html/physio2/test.php on line 19

The php-statement is :

$conn = pg_connect("dbname=testdb  user=bchytrek");

the owner of that testdb is bchytrek and he does not have a password, he
is in the users-list as superuser, an may cerate dbs.

So why does the authentication fail?



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings