Thread: change conndeferrable in pg_constraint?

change conndeferrable in pg_constraint?

I have a situation where I need to set my constraints and keys
deferrable.  Is it safe to update the condeferrable flag in
pg_constraint to true to make this happen?  The alternative is to drop
all the constraints and add them back as deferrable.

Michael L. Boscia

Re: change conndeferrable in pg_constraint?

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What I Did.

I updated the pg_constraint table and set the condeferrable column to
't' where the contype was 'f' for foriegn key.  I also updated the
pg_trigger table and set tgdeferrable to 't' where tgisconstraint  was

The transaction that I was trying to defer worked perfectly.  I also did
a pg_dump and noticed that the definition of the constraints now
contained the keyword deferrable.

I am still not sure if this is an accepted method.

I have a situation where I need to set my constraints and keys
deferrable.  Is it safe to update the condeferrable flag in
pg_constraint to true to make this happen?  The alternative is to drop
all the constraints and add them back as deferrable.
Michael L. Boscia