Thread: detecting a NULL box

detecting a NULL box

Does anybody know how to detect a NULL in a geometric box type?

When I execute the following sql statement (coords is a box type)
autotest=# select coords from dlg_control limit 1
autotest-# \g

(1 row)

So, I have data that contains a "NULL" in the coords column, but when I
test on box(NULL) I don't get any data...
autotest=# select coords from dlg_control where coords=box(NULL) limit 1
autotest-# \g
(0 rows)

Any ideas?

Re: detecting a NULL box

Guy Fraser
I don't know why you want to list a NULL with no other info, but here
you go:

SELECT coords FROM dlg_control WHERE coords IS NULL LIMIT 1; wrote:

>Does anybody know how to detect a NULL in a geometric box type?
>When I execute the following sql statement (coords is a box type)
>autotest=# select coords from dlg_control limit 1
>autotest-# \g
> coords
>(1 row)
>So, I have data that contains a "NULL" in the coords column, but when I
>test on box(NULL) I don't get any data...
>autotest=# select coords from dlg_control where coords=box(NULL) limit 1
>autotest-# \g
> coords
>(0 rows)
>Any ideas?
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Guy Fraser
Network Administrator
The Internet Centre
780-450-6787 , 1-888-450-6787

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